ワードアップ英会話 WORD UP ENGLISH CLASS | 日記 | Vocabulary: "as well," "as well as"

Vocabulary: "as well," "as well as"

The basic meaning of "as well" is the same as "too" or "also."

So, for example:

"Jane's coming to dinner for sure, and Grant will probably come as well."

Here, saying "Grant will probably come too" means the same thing.

"As well as" is useful because it it used in the middle of a phrase, instead of at the end.

So, for example:

Bobby: What are you bringing to the barbeque?
Donna: Well, I'm bringing some chicken to cook on the grill, as well as some veggie sticks and chips.

Here, Donna could also say, "...and some veggie sticks and chips, too" for the same meaning. Using "as well as" is just one more natural way to say it, and add some variety to the expressions we use.

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