ワードアップ英会話 WORD UP ENGLISH CLASS | 日記 | Natural Expressions: "check it out"

Natural Expressions: "check it out"

To check something out means to see it, experience it, explore it, or investigate it for yourself. If you want to check out a new restaurant, you'll go and eat there. If your friends tell you to check out a new movie, they are recommending that you go and see it. When one of my students tells me about an interesting news story, I usually check it out by searching for it online.

So, for example:

Sora: Have you been to that new Thai restaurant yet?
Alejandro: No, but I love Thai food. Let's go check it out!
--Here, Alejandro is suggesting they go and eat at the restaurant.


Hakim: So, I saw the new King Kong movie last night. It was pretty good!
Mei: Oh, yeah? Maybe I'll have to go check it out.
--Here, Mei is saying she'll probaby go see the movie.

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