ワードアップ英会話 WORD UP ENGLISH CLASS | 日記 | Natural Expressions: "be back/get back"

Natural Expressions: "be back/get back"

To be back or get back means to return to the place you started, which is usually home, but can also be a workplace, school, or anywhere someone is returning to.

Some examples in phone conversations:

Ophelia: When will you get back from your vacation?
Brent: Actually, I'm already back. I just got back home yesterday.
(Note here that "be back" is used to describe already having returned, but "get back" describes the time of arrival.)

Peggy: May I speak with Juan, please?
Avtar: I'm sorry, he's out right now. He should be back in about 30 minutes? May I take a message?

"Get back" can also describe resuming an action which has been paused or stopped, and in this sense is often used about work or studying:

Oreva: Mm, that coffee was good. I needed that.
Simone: Yeah, but break time's over. Let's get back to work.
(Here, "get back to work" means "return to doing work again.")

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